Monday, 23 June 2008

My Reviews: An Introduction.

If you spot a film in a video shop which you have A: never heard of, B: has a really stupid sounding plot, C: has scored about 3.2 on the IMDB site, D: stars Cory Haim, then you can be pretty confident that it will be little more that a piece in unmitigated crap. In some cases though, this preconception can be misguided and you could be missing out on a cavalcade of lost classics. 

In fact, having sat through a number of these bottom shelf wonders, I have discovered that even the poorest excuses for cinema usually have their moments, especially when you are drunk.

My reviews are here to cut through the dross in a bid to locate the movies which deserve more attention.  Movies like Street Trash (1987) and Three O Clock High (1987) (more about those at a later date).  If I feel a film possesses a few redeeming features and is worthy of some carefully considered analysis, then I will give it some thorough attention. If not, I'll simply warn you to leave it well alone and move on (unless I can get enough comic mileage from administering a good kicking (with words).


d=director    p=producer   s=screenplay   c=cinematographer  
se=special effects    lp= leading players

I have decided to kick off with two motion pictures from the 80's, Maniac Cop (1987) and Bad Boys (1983) tenuously connected by their theme of CRIME..........

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